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Digging the City

Digging the City

An Urban Agriculture Manifesto
ISBN: 9781927330210
  • Hardback Paper over boards

At the last census in 2006, just over 80 percent of Canada’s population lived in urban centres. How we feed that population and protect its food sources is an enduring subject of debate in food security circles these days. As consumers and citizens, we all need to take a hard look at the deficiencies in Canada’s ability to feed the urban poor; our dependence on imported foods and centralized food processing; our detachment from our food sources; the often problematic solutions to food security devised by governments, municipalities and non-profit groups; and where we are headed if we change nothing in these times when change is urgently needed. Many efforts are being made to introduce urban agriculture initiatives all across the country, to address the problems we’ve created and to protect our cities from real and potential crises in the food supply.

With passion and lyricism, Digging the City addresses the problems facing urban omnivores in the 21st century and looks at various policy, grassroots and utopian solutions being developed and implemented, while considering the pros and cons of plans such as vertical farms, urban fish farms, transition-town initiatives, seed banks, permaculture and water conservation projects.

Book Details


October 1, 2012

Width: 4.75 in
Height: 7 in

This book helps us to understand how to become urban farmers and is a good source of inspiration for those who wish to change the world through food: a revolution that is good, simple and slow.—Carlo Petrini, President and Founder of Slow Food International

This book is beautifully crafted, moving seamlessly from wonderful and witty lyrical phrases to horrifying and shocking facts about the food we eat. Covering theory as well as practice, it may make you simultaneously angry, scared and inspired.—Jeanette Longfield, Co-ordinator of Sustain and former Co-ordinator of the National Food Alliance

From community gardens and small plot farms, to individual front and back yards, this book provides us with a glimpse into a movement that is changing our world one bucket of compost, one handful of seeds, one garden at a time.—Michael Ableman, Founder of Cultivate Canada and author of Fields Of Plenty