Indigenous History Month

This annual event is an important way to acknowledge and learn more about the unique heritage, diverse cultures and outstanding achievements of the peoples who have inhabited this land for so much longer.

Why do non-Indigenous Canadians need to learn about Indigenous history?
(Indigenous Corporate Training Inc.) 

For many, the history of Indigenous peoples and Canada was, until recently, largely unknown. Generations of Canadians have lived their entire lives without knowing about residential schools, the historic and ongoing impacts of the Indian Act (1876), the significance of the treaties, or the extensive and continuing contributions of Indigenous peoples to the mosaic of Canada.

RMB recognizes the importance and need for all of us, as Canadians, to educate ourselves about past and current Indigenous issues, as well as to celebrate the beauty and diversity of this rich heritage. Please take a look at our books relating to Indigenous studies to find the perfect reads to acknowledge this month!

Indigenous Studies

Children’s Board Books

Coming Fall 2020