Book Details
March 31, 2020
Width: 8.50 in
Height: 7.50 in
"The photographs in Along the Western Front range from high-octane shots of rodeo action and cattle and horse drives, to intimate family moments on a Hutterite colony, to gorgeous big-sky prairie landscapes and stunning black-and-white portraits of rugged cowboys, cowgirls, bull riders and sidesaddle racers." - Calgary Herald
"Hennel's images capture calves being 'wrassled' down to the ground to be branded, riders clinging to horses trying to buck them, and barrel racers who use speed and skill to create the shape of a cloverleaf. There are quiet moment as well: two young girls relaxing on a hill after sheep shearing, and the muddy and determined face of a young rodeo competitor after a ride." - Daily Mail
"...stunning images of ranch and rodeo life..." - Maclean's