<b>Robert William Sandford</b> is the EPCOR Chair for Water and Climate Security at the United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment, and Health. He is the co-author of the UN’s <i>Water in the World We Want</i> report on post-2015 global sustainable development goals relating to water. He is also the author of some 30 books on the history, heritage, and landscape of the Canadian Rockies, including <i>Water, Weather and the Mountain West</i>, <i>Restoring the Flow: Confronting the World's Water Woes</i>, <i>Ethical Water: Learning to Value What Matters Most</i>, <i>Cold Matters: The State and Fate of Canada’s Fresh Water</i>, <i>Saving Lake Winnipeg</i>, <i>Flood Forecast: Climate Risk and Resiliency in Canada</i>, <i>Storm Warning: Water and Climate Security in a Changing World</i>, <i>North America in the Anthropocene</i>, <i>Our Vanishing Glaciers: The Snows of Yesteryear and the Future Climate of the Mountain West</i>, <i>The Weekender Effect: Hyperdevelopment in Mountain Towns – Updated Edition</i>, and <i>The Weekender Effect II: Fallout</i>. He is also a co-author of <i>The Columbia River Treaty: A Primer</i>, <i>The Climate Nexus: Water, Food, Energy and Biodiversity in a Changing World</i>, and <i>The Hard Work of Hope: Climate Change in the Age of Trump</i>. Robert lives in Canmore, Alberta.