<b>Kate Rawles</b> studied philosophy at Aberdeen University and environmental philosophy at Glasgow and Colorado State. She was an indoor philosophy lecturer for nearly a decade before escaping to work freelance in 2000. Kate now works half time as a lecturer in outdoor studies at the University of Cumbria, teaching environmental issues, and half time as a freelance outdoor philosopher, writer, lecturer and campaigner. She is passionate about the need to find urgent, effective and suitably radical responses to our multiple environmental challenges (including giving our values and worldviews a thorough overhaul) – and firmly believes our quality of life can go up rather than down in the process. Kate is a keen hill walker and sea kayaker (with a particular love of remote islands with lots of wildlife) as well as a long-distance cyclist. She is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and sits on the Food Ethics Council. She lives in Cumbria, United Kingdom.