<b>Gwen Curry</b> is an artist/writer and a former professor in the visual arts department at the University of Victoria. She is a member of the Royal Canadian Academy and her work is in many private and public collections. Her first book, <i>Tod Inlet: A Healing Place</i>, was shortlisted for the Roderick Haig-Brown Regional Prize for B.C. literature. In it, her photographs and writing detail her walks to Tod Inlet and its fascinating history. Gwen has travelled widely but finds nothing more exciting than exploring the rugged coast of British Columbia. She has visited Malcolm Island and the surrounding area many times in the past decade and appreciates what a beautiful yet vulnerable place it is. Her most recent book (with photographer Daniel Hillert) is <i>Converging Waters: The Beauty and Challenges of the Broughton Archipelago</i>. Gwen Curry lives in Brentwood Bay (Vancouver Island), British Columbia.