Book Details
May 4, 2015
Width: 5.75 in
Height: 7.75 in
Chaundy-Smart’s description of his youth has all the understatement and dry wit of Steinbeck’s Cannery Row. There is a natural rhythm to the book that makes it a joy to read: pure and simple. Bloody brilliant.—Paul Pritchard, author of Deep Play and The Totem Pole, 1997 and 1999 winner of the Boardman-Tasker Mountain Literature Prize
Chaundy-Smart’s writing has an enjoyable cadence. There are paragraphs that distil relationships, life and death. An entertaining and educational read about a part of the North American climbing scene we don’t often read about.—Edward Webster, author of Snow in the Kingdom: My Storm Years on Everest, 2001 Finalist, Boardman-Tasker Mountain Literature Prize; Finalist, Mountain Literature Prize, 2001 Banff Mountain Book Festival
In words that will feel familiar to many climbers who came of age when rock climbing was little understood and scorned, Chaundy-Smart writes, “A seductive voice said I was made for something better that no one, as yet, understood but me…. I was becoming visible and couldn’t help it if people didn’t like what they saw.” Even if, like me, you know next to nothing about the climbing of eastern Canada, you’ll find much to love—and much that feels universal—in Chaundy-Smart’s memoir: colourful characters, love and loss, and hair-raising, how-did-we-ever-survive climbing adventures.—Dougald MacDonald, Executive Editor, American Alpine Journal
I enjoyed this short and sweet story of young adventure. Mostly, because it shows that you only need a few essential traits to be a good rock climber: a drive to go to the mountains (often), intuition and confidence in your own climbing abilities, and a lot of luck.—ClimbCore